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Teardown Minecraft Mod

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In this game, you can smash buildings as long as you want. Teardown allows you to use various devices exactly for this purpose. Choose the most appropriate way of destruction and receive money for it! There are a lot of people who can pay you for such a job being done right.

The perfect mix of pixel design and simple gameplay

The style of the game is familiar to anyone who has ever encountered the famous Minecraft. Teardown has the same design made of blocks, but a little bit more detailed. Although, if you want it to look exactly like the well-known project, there are different mods that can help you.

For example, a mod can add locations from Minecraft, such as the village with its stone houses and wells. On this location, you will have separate missions, where you, as always, will steal some item for your client. The concept of the simulator of destruction really suits this graphics. The whole process of crushing everything on your way looks very pleasant.

Apart from that, mods can add other features that are connected with the interface. They change it to resemble the prototype as much as possible. For example, they introduce the panels at the bottom of the screen, where you can see the level of character’s health and the instruments that you carry. By the way, new tools are included. Now you can use a pickaxe and take the walls down.

Diverse missions

The tasks in the project are interesting and each of them has some peculiarities. The locations are designed specifically for every quest, so you will definitely spend a long time exploring all of them and looking for a good approach to fulfil the order.

Moreover, the tools to which you gained access can serve only for specific purposes. If you need to eliminate the whole building, there is no sense in grabbing a little hammer. For this task, it will be better to use a vehicle, such as a wrecking ball. The more you play, the easier it is for you to select the correct device.

For the quests, where you need to rob somebody, you will appreciate explosives and shotguns that will help you to complete the theft within a minute. Experiment with the features that the project offers you and play the way that entertains you the most!